4 Benefits Of An “All On 4” Dental Implant

Are you looking to replace a significant amount of your natural teeth? The new "all on 4" dental procedure may be ideal for you. The "all on 4" dental procedure involves a rack of natural-appearing teeth which are secured to the gum line using only four securing points.  1. "All on 4" Is Minimally Invasive This procedure does not involve as many screws as an ordinary dental implant. Most dental implants are done with one post per tooth -- if you need to replace six teeth, you need six posts. Read More 

Oral Health: Conquer Bad Breath With 3 Natural Solutions

Dealing with bad breath is not easy. If you have used commercial products and did not like the results, you may want to consider some natural alternatives. Natural dental solutions may help you battle bad breath and defeat it. The following are 3 alternatives that you can easily incorporate into your daily diet. 1. The Powerful Secrets Behind Sage Halitosis is usually related to the volatile sulphur compounds that certain bacteria secrete. Read More 

Grinding Your Teeth: Two Commonly Asked Questions About This Habit

It is an unfortunate fact that modern life can be extremely stressful, and many people may find that they grind their teeth at night as a response to excessive stress. Sadly, this action can result in substantial damage to your teeth. Not surprisingly, if you have recently learned that you grind your teeth, there may be a couple of questions you want answered about this habit.  Why Is Grinding Teeth Harmful? Read More 

Vitamin C And Gum Health: What You Need To Know

Do your gums bleed or swell? Is brushing your gums painful? Having healthier gums may be as simple as increasing your consumption of Vitamin C. That's right—altering your diet to get more of this important vitamin can prevent gum disease. To find out more about how to incorporate Vitamin C into your daily routine for better gum health, keep reading. Why is Vitamin C so important? One of the leading causes of gum disease is poor nutrition, namely, a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Read More 

3 Differences Between CEREC Crowns And Traditional Crowns

Some dentists are now offering CEREC crowns, which are devices placed over existing, partial teeth. CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic and these crowns offer several key advantages over traditional dental crowns. If your dentist gives you the option of a traditional crown or a CEREC crown, you may wonder what the difference is, and here are three of the main differences between these options. Number of Visits Needed Read More