Oral Health: Conquer Bad Breath With 3 Natural Solutions

Dealing with bad breath is not easy. If you have used commercial products and did not like the results, you may want to consider some natural alternatives. Natural dental solutions may help you battle bad breath and defeat it. The following are 3 alternatives that you can easily incorporate into your daily diet.

1. The Powerful Secrets Behind Sage

Halitosis is usually related to the volatile sulphur compounds that certain bacteria secrete. The best thing you can do is kill the source. You can do this by consuming sage in its fresh or dried form. But the fresh form of sage will contain more halitosis-killing attributes than dried.

Sage is effective because of its tannin and rosmarinic acid. Both ingredients are toxic to the bacteria that cause bad breath. And they will inhibit further growth of the harmful bacteria.

2. Breath-Friendly Secrets Behind Cinnamon

Studies have shown cinnamon to be a powerful agent against bad breath. One reason could be due to its cinnamic aldehyde content. Cinnamic aldehyde melts the membranes of oral pathogens and leaves them to die. Some of those oral pathogens have been linked to bad breath, like streptococcus and solobacterium moorei. Cinnamon's strong flavor, which also comes from cinnamic aldehyde, will also help freshen your breath.

3. The Halitosis-Killing Secrets Within Eucalyptus

As mentioned earlier, halitosis stems from the sulphur compounds that bacteria secrete. You can battle this directly by neutralizing their stench with eucalyptus. One of the reasons that eucalyptus is powerful is because it contains eucalyptol. Eucalyptol will help neutralize the sulphur secretions left behind by harmful bacteria.

The second reason eucalyptus is powerful is because it has a strong aroma. The aroma will help mask any malodor as the herb works to kill the source.

Remember that you can add the aforementioned herbs and spices to your food. You can also just chew the herbs. You can easily incorporate more cinnamon in your diet by sucking on cinnamon sticks in your spare time. Or, you can make your own breath spray by combining water with a few drops of the extracted oils from the aforementioned herbs and spice.

Be sure that you keep up with regular dental visits, as this will help with your battle of halitosis. And make sure you inform your dentist of any changes to your oral regimen. He or she may have additional suggestions and could help monitor your oral reaction.  For more advice, contact a dentist such as Dr. Dean Simmons DDS PA.
