How Poor Oral Health Can Affect The Rest Of Your Body
Many people are aware of the negative impact poor oral care can have on their oral health. However, many are not familiar with the effect it can have on their overall health. This article will discuss the other health issues that can arise as a result of poor oral care.
The fact that diabetes can contribute to gum disease has already been established. However, gum disease has also been found to contribute to the onset of diabetes as well.
Periodontal disease is the result of infection. This means that when your body starts to fight the bacteria causing the infection, it makes your body more insulin resistant. This has a negative impact on your blood glucose levels. This is one reason why it's very important to make sure that you are guarding against periodontal disease.
Memory Issues
Gingivitis has been shown to have a diminishing effect on the memory. In recent studies, it was shown that people who had gingivitis did not perform as well on memory tests as the people with healthier gums.
Not only can gingivitis effect one's memory, it can also contribute to more serious issues when it comes to your brain's functioning. Bad oral care can greatly increase your chances of having dementia as well.
Alzheimer's Disease
Poor oral care can cause dementia, but it can also carry even worse consequences. The bacteria that cause periodontal disease also contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
The bacteria that cause periodontal disease gets into your blood through common activities like eating or brushing one's teeth. When this happens, the bacteria makes its way into your brain.
The brain acts to destroy the bacteria by releasing chemicals that can also kill the neurons in your brain. When this happens constantly over a long period of time, it could cause great harm to your brain's ability to function properly. As a result, the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease can manifest.
Heart Disease
There is a proven link between your cardiovascular health and your oral health. It has been shown that those who have periodontal disease are at a greater risk for heart disease than people without periodontal issues.
When your gums become infected, the bacteria that cause the infection can travel into your bloodstream. When this occurs, they raise the level of clots that are formed. Clots hinder the flow of blood to your heart, which greatly increases your blood pressure. Since your heart now has to work harder, your risk of a heart attack is much greater.
Maintaining positive oral care is extremely important. It doesn't only affect your mouth, it can also damage the rest of your body. If you think you may have health issues that are related to your oral health, consult with professional periodontists who can help you fix the problem.