Four Minerals You Need For Good Oral Health

Minerals are naturally occurring, inorganic substances, some of which are necessary in the diet in small amounts in order to maintain health. There are four minerals, in particular, that play important roles in keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Get plenty of these minerals in your diet, and you'll likely find yourself paying fewer visits to your dentist.


Calcium is the most famous of the tooth-friendly minerals. It is the one that actually forms much of the structure of your teeth. Without enough calcium, the enamel of your teeth becomes weak and more susceptible to the bacteria that love causing dental caries and decay. Milk and dairy products are the best-known sources of calcium, but this mineral is also found in a number of plant foods, including beans, figs, almonds, turnip greens, and oranges.


Bacteria are the primary enemy of dental health, and zinc plays a role in ensuring your immune system is able to fight them off. Without enough zinc, you may find yourself developing more cavities, along with more mouth sores and gum disease. Great sources of zinc include beans and seeds, along with beef, lamb, shrimp, and turkey.


 Symptoms of iron deficiency include an inflamed tongue and mouth sores. If you do not get enough iron in your diet, you may also be at an increased risk of infections and dental abscesses, since a lack of iron reduces oxygen flow to your tissues, making these conditions more likely. Good sources of iron include meat and seafood. If you're a vegetarian or vegan, you may struggle to get enough iron in your diet. Plant sources include leafy green vegetables, nuts, and seeds. However, it is harder for your body to absorb the form of iron in plant foods than the form in animal products, so you may want to talk to your doctor about using iron supplements to keep your levels up.


Magnesium helps the body form your tooth enamel from calcium. Without enough, your teeth will become weaker and more prone to cavities. Though many people are deficient in calcium, it is easy to increase your intake by eating magnesium-rich foods, which include leafy greens, nuts and seeds, fish, avocados, and bananas.

Keep an eye on your intake of the minerals above; make sure you're eating plenty of the foods that contain them. Your teeth and gums will thank you, and your dentist will be impressed by your improved dental health. For more information, talk to a professional like Glendale Dental Group.
