Nipping Bad Breath At Its Source
While bad breath can have many different causes, one thing is often certain: you don't want it to continue. Let's examine some of the most probable causes of bad breath.
Dental Hygiene Problems
If you don't brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day and floss every day, this can be a leading cause of bad breath. Taking the time to have good dental hygiene is tough with a busy work schedule. Consider having a toothbrush that you can use on the go after every meal. If flossing every day sounds laborious, consider buying a water flosser that does a lot of the work for you. Don't forget to thoroughly scrub your tongue, because this is a major culprit in bad breath; your tongue is the perfect breeding ground for bad bacteria that cause bad breath.
Medications and Dry Mouth
Your mouth relies on saliva to help it break down bacteria. People on certain medications are prone to dry mouth, which can inadvertently lead to dry mouth. See if dry mouth is a symptom on any of your medications, and ask a dentist for tips on what you can do.
Hidden Cavities
Cavities are sometimes not visible when you look in the mirror. If you have recently developed bad breath, especially if you sometimes notice a rotten taste in your mouth, schedule your dental check up sooner rather than later. Fillings, root canals, and dental implants can all be indicated treatments for advanced cavities.
Chronic Infections
Your nose and throat are intricately connected with your mouth, so sometimes infections in either of those can lead to bad breath. One thing to be aware of is how a chronic sinus infection can affect your health and lead to bad breath. Phlegm may drip down into your mouth as you sleep, which cross-pollinates that bacteria in your sinus and your mouth. Similarly, if you have recurring tonsillitis, those bacteria may end up on your tongue and contribute to bad breath.
Frequent Alcohol and Tobacco Use
Sometimes, bad breath is caused by a single substance use. Perhaps the flavor and smell of tobacco doesn't bother you, but once it sits on your teeth and combines with decaying food, the smell can be pungent to those you're close to. Frequent drinkers may find that the high sugar intake leads to a sweet, fruity, rotting smell on the breath. Aside from cutting down on those substances, ask your dentist about additional brushing, flossing and breath freshener options to reduce the lingering smell from these habits.
Contact a dentist office, like Crest Hill Family Dental, for more help.