Signs That You Are Suffering From A Periodontal Disease

It is very important to make sure that you are well aware of the signs of possible periodontal disease. This way, you will be able to get an appointment made with your dentist as soon as possible. The sooner you start your periodontal disease treatment, the sooner you will have your oral health back. Take a look at the following signs so you are aware of what you need to watch out for.

Consistent Bad Breath

If you find that despite brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, and even possibly chewing on mint gum, that you still suffer from a chronic case of bad breath, it could be that you are suffering from periodontal disease. While there is a small chance that it could be from another medical issue, such as something with your stomach, you will want to have your dentist check for disease in your mouth in order to rule that out or to start treatment.

Redness And Swelling Of The Gums

When there is a section of your gums, or possibly all of your gums, that are red and swollen, you will need to make an appointment with your dentist. Explain to the receptionist that you are making the appointment because you believe that you may have a serious infection. This way, if there is anyway he or she can schedule you sooner than they regularly would, they will.

Bleeding When Brushing

Too many people make the mistake of assuming that bleeding that occurs when they are brushing their teeth happens because they need to toughen up their gums some more through extra hard brushing. However, this is not the case. Your gums should never bleed when you are brushing your teeth. If they do, you are going to need to make it a point to bring this to the attention of your dentist.

Rapid Repositioning Of Your Teeth

Whether you started with perfectly straight teeth or they were unique from the beginning, if you are suddenly noticing that there is a rapid change in the appearance or location of your teeth, you will need to have that issue addressed with your dentist. Even though the shifting of teeth is not always a cause for alarm, especially if you have some missing teeth and the change is gradual, rapid and drastic changes are concerning. Your dentist will need to perform an examination and possibly take some x-rays in order to determine the cause of this problem.

Should you experience any of those problems, or anything else that gives you reason to be concerned, you will want to make an immediate appointment with your dentist.
