Top Tips To Get A Whiter Smile At Home

A teeth whitening service from your dentist is the best way to get the brilliant white smile you've dreamed of. However, professional teeth whitening can be expensive. There are teeth whitening methods you can try at home to get a whiter smile. These methods will also keep your teeth white if you've had a professional service. Here are the top tips for getting and keeping a white smile: Use baking soda Read More 

4 Dental Tips When Wearing Braces

If you have recently had braces placed onto your smile in order to correct it, your dental hygiene is even more important. This is because your teeth become more sensitive during this time and you will want to prevent discoloration, swollen gums, and even bad breath. Here are four dental tips to follow when wearing braces: Brush the Sides of the Braces: Instead of placing your toothbrush flat against the front of your teeth, you should face them downward so that they are brushing the braces from the top and upward so they are brushing the braces from the bottom. Read More 

Lingual Braces Might Be The Answer You’ve Been Looking For

If you are planning on correcting your teeth in the near future, then braces are probably on your mind. There are several different types of braces, with each type being suited to a different situation. One such option is to get lingual braces, which provide some unique advantages and disadvantages. To help you figure out whether lingual braces are right for you, here is an explanation of how they work: Read More 

Dental Implants As An Option For Your Tooth Replacement

If you are going to be having a tooth extracted then you will want to learn about your options for having it replaced so you don't have to go around toothless. Dental implants can be a great option for tooth replacement, as long as you are a good candidate for an implant. If you are facing a tooth extraction then you should read the information here to determine whether or not a dental implant is right for you and what you can expect if you decide to go through with getting one put in. Read More 

Basic Tooth Fractures & Dangers Of An Untreated Cracked Tooth

The condition of your teeth is very important for the overall appearance of your smile. But cosmetics are not the only thing that you should worry about. The following guide will provide some information on basic tooth fractures and expose the hidden dangers associated with a cracked tooth. How Tooth Fractures Occur Fractures to your teeth can occur for several reasons, like the following: Falls or hits to the mouth Biting down on something that is a little too hard Fillings that no longer support your tooth Cavities that have penetrated much of your tooth Bruxism due to stress or anxiety Be sure to pay attention to the last two points, as these need to be checked out by your dentist as soon as possible. Read More