3 Reasons Implants May Fail

Whether you have lost one or more teeth due to an injury or dental issue, restoring your smile is possible. As a matter of fact, there are many options for restoring your smile back to an appealing, functional state. From veneers and dental implants to traditional bridges and dentures, you and your dentist will work together to determine the best option for you. Of course, implants offer enormous benefits for your smile. Read More 

Three Factors Determining The Cost Of Veneers

Dental veneers can be used on a wide range of dental imperfections such as intrinsic dental stains, cracked teeth, or misaligned teeth, but the treatment process is more or less the same for all of these treatments. This means the type of the imperfection you want to mask isn't a major determinant of the treatment's process. Instead, the following are the major factors that will determine the cost of the treatment: Read More 

Choosing The Right Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is probably one of your most-used items. If you are doing it right, then you're using it at least twice a day, maybe more. It is only logical that you attach some importance to choosing this useful item. With the wide array of toothbrushes in the stores, you are most likely confused as to how to make the right choice. Here are a few guidelines. Bristles A lot of people imagine that vigorous brushing using a hard brush is the way to keep your teeth clean and free from plaque. Read More 

Achieving Your Whitest Teeth Ever: What Are The Most Effective Solutions?

Having white teeth isn't just a status symbol for Hollywood movie stars, nor is it a privilege of wealth — it's basically a right everybody has. You don't have to spend a fortune or put yourself through any rigorous and bizarre dental treatment to achieve really white teeth; you simply have to find what works for you. Do DIY Teeth Whitening Remedies Ever Work? Beyond the obvious consumer hype printed on so many product labels, promising you your whitest smile ever, there are basic ingredients to look for when shopping around for a good teeth whitener. Read More 

Reasons To Seek Help For A Cracked Tooth

Extreme trauma to the face can result in getting a cracked tooth. If this recently happened to you, you might think a cracked tooth is not a big deal if it is not bothering you. The truth is, though, that a cracked tooth is a big deal. You should never leave a cracked tooth untreated as it can lead to further problems with the tooth. Here are several reasons you should seek help for a cracked tooth when you discover the problem. Read More