Understanding Why You Need Antibiotics After A Root Canal

If you have a root canal procedure scheduled, then you should be prepared to take some medication after the treatment is over. While pain medication is often needed, you will also be asked to take antibiotics in most cases. Since root canals are meant to resolve dental infections, it may be surprising that you need to take antibiotics. If you want to understand why this is necessary, then keep reading. Read More 

Dental Implants: What You Should Understand About Them

If you have decided that you are going to go ahead and get dental implants in order to replace one or more of the teeth that you have missing then you will of course want to make sure that you know just what you need to do in order to care for them correctly. This article ill provide you with the information you need in order to take great care of your dental implants so you can avoid future problems with them. Read More 

Brighten Your Damaged Teeth With Dental Veneers

If you have front teeth that are permanently stained because of antibiotics or other medications you took when you were young, you're probably frustrated that teeth whitening products don't work for you. Unfortunately, over-the-counter products or even dentist treatments won't work on teeth that are discolored because they are damaged somehow. However, a cosmetic dentist has a few ways to help. One of those options is to have dental veneers applied. Read More 

2 Conditions That Your Child May Present Even With Great Oral Hygiene

There are many oral health conditions that can develop due to neglect, such as gum disease and dental decay, which often occur because of poor oral hygiene. However, some oral health issues develop because of the way that a person's mouth is shaped. Here are a few conditions that your youngster may have even if they have great oral hygiene. Tongue-Tie Some children are born with a condition called tongue-tie. The condition may improve over time, but for many youngsters, it requires a corrective procedure called a frenectomy. Read More 

2 Tips for Affording Invisalign As a Teenager

If you are a teenager, then you have most likely grown past the stage of getting traditional braces. Wearing braces over a certain age can make many individuals feel self-conscious about their smile. However, if you want to correct and straighten your smile, then doing so without traditional braces can be a challenge. Traditional braces do not blend well with natural teeth and are extremely noticeable. Fortunately, Invisalign allows you to get straighter teeth without being as noticeable. Read More