Three Simple Ways To Make Visiting The Dentist Less Stressful For Your Little One

Kids are often afraid of strangers altogether, but when you are taking them to see a strange new person who will make them hold their mouth open and may even hold some scary looking tools, you can pretty much guarantee that your little one will be frightened. Convincing your child that the dentist is a good thing can seem about as effective as teaching a cat not to fear a dog. Read More 

How Poor Oral Health Can Affect The Rest Of Your Body

Many people are aware of the negative impact poor oral care can have on their oral health. However, many are not familiar with the effect it can have on their overall health. This article will discuss the other health issues that can arise as a result of poor oral care. Diabetes The fact that diabetes can contribute to gum disease has already been established. However, gum disease has also been found to contribute to the onset of diabetes as well. Read More 

How To Make It Through The Night With Tooth Pain

If you get a toothache and you aren't able to get right in to the dentist, you need to find a way to cope with the pain until you can get an appointment. Tooth pain can be so extreme it can leave you unable to think of anything else and you'll need to ease the pain until the dentist can see you. Follow some of the tips below to relieve the pain of a tooth ache so that you can hopefully get some sleep the night before your appointment. Read More 

The Top 3 Reasons To Get A Dental Impant

Lost or missing teeth can be a source of depression and difficulty. The missing teeth can make you feel less attractive or make it difficult to eat. There are options available for the replacement of missing teeth. Dentures and bridges are common replacement methods that can correct the dental issue for several years at a time. However, there is a solution that is more permanent: dental implants. Read on to learn more about dental implants and three reasons why they are the best option for you. Read More 

4 Benefits Of An “All On 4” Dental Implant

Are you looking to replace a significant amount of your natural teeth? The new "all on 4" dental procedure may be ideal for you. The "all on 4" dental procedure involves a rack of natural-appearing teeth which are secured to the gum line using only four securing points.  1. "All on 4" Is Minimally Invasive This procedure does not involve as many screws as an ordinary dental implant. Most dental implants are done with one post per tooth -- if you need to replace six teeth, you need six posts. Read More